Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays

Fröhliche Weihnachten | Merry Christmas | PayTechLaw

It’s crazy how quickly time flies by. No sooner have you said goodbye to the winter holidays and bid farewell to last year, the end of yet another new year is already just around the corner. But, what a wonderful year 2018 has been! Thanks to you, our entire readership!

Our podcast series PayTechTalk has really established itself, even if we didn’t quite manage to achieve our goal of publishing one podcast per week. Despite our successes, we promise to keep on improving and always trying our best. We very much hope that you will cut us some slack here – and remain well-disposed towards us. 🙂

Not only this, it seems PayTechLaw as a whole has been a bit of a hit with you this year. We also celebrated our two-year birthday (once again: Happy Birthday, PayTechLaw 🙂 )! I will tell you after Christmas in our “PayTechLaw Top 10 – 2018” which contributions were clicked on the most by you. You can also see which five podcasts you liked best in our “PayTechTalk Top 5 – 2018”.

Fröhliche Weihnachten | Merry Christmas | PayTechLaw

Is there another topic we should tackle, or certain FinTech experts that you’d like us to talk to? Leave your wishes and suggestions for the coming year directly in the comments section below. We look forward to receiving your feedback!

But right now it’s time to relax and enjoy the holidays. On that note, the entire PayTechLaw team wishes all our faithful (and unfaithful) fans a peaceful, relaxing and lovely Christmas with your loved ones! Enjoy the time.

Merry Christmas!

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