Money20/20 Europe: Day 1

Money20/20 Europe

My mother used to say “Wer Nachts lang aufbleiben kann, kann auch früh aufstehen” which means something like „One staying up all night, can easily get up early the next morning”. I don’t know whether this saying also exists in English, but I can say, that it’s not true at all – at least as far as Money20/20 is concerned…

What to expect at Money20/20 Europe 2017

Yesterday evening, right after our arrival, we’ve been joining the Money20/20 Europe team for some Welcome Cocktails – by the way: GOOD JOB GUYS AND THANKS FOR EVERYTHING – and now I’d rather want to sleep than get up early. But as the early bird catches the worm, we got up early and are now ready to rumble Copenhagen, because it’s MONEY-TIME, Baby! 🙂

Money20/20 Europe officially started and we are more than thrilled about what to expect, who to meet and what’s new in FinTech. And of course we are more than looking forward to the Track Session of Benjamin from Aramis and our Frank on Wednesday, 11:40 am, in which the guys will talk about “How the FinTech Lawyers Network will rocket start your agile business!”

By the way: we’ll stream the Track Session live and in color via Periscope – so stay tuned and follow us on Twitter to not miss any of our networkings and experiences here in Copenhagen. Also keep on track and subscribe to our newsletter.

Lad spillet begynde! 🙂


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