On the 27th of October 2017 BaFin published new minimum requirements for risk management (MaRisk) in its new circular.
Who? How? What? MaRisk?
What exactly are the new minimum requirements for risk management? Who do these new administration orders apply to – and who don’t they apply to? What does the proportionality principle mean when applied and what does the term “risk culture” stand for? What can one expect from BaFin regarding the MaRisk and E-money institutions, as well as payment institutions? What is the latest news on outsourcing and how are these changes going to affect the advisory practice of lawyers?
The answer to these and other questions regarding the MaRisk issue were revealed during my talk with my colleague and co-author Peter Frey in today´s episode of PayTechTalk. You can also find further information on this topic in our blog entry from the 31st of October 2017.
Enjoy PayTechTalk 10.
The original podcast is in German.
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