Material legal framework that payment service providers in the area of regulatory law need to know

regulatory law

We already provided you with overviews of the material legal provisions that are relevant for payment service providers in the area of IT regulatory law and in the area of anti-money laundering law. As you can imagine there are also new developments in the area of regulatory law. For instance, the new PSD 3 and PSR about which our colleagues on this blog have kept you well informed.

In this blog post, we now provide you with an updated overview of the material legal provisions that are relevant for payment service providers in the area of regulatory law

The overview contains what we consider to be the most important legal sources for payment service providers in the area of regulatory law. As usual, the relevant underlying regulations and legal sources that are referenced in the infographic can be easily accessed – just “click” on the respective icon. As IT regulatory and anti-money laundering law are part of regulatory law, the overview also takes you to the infographics on the material legal framework that payment service providers need to know in the area of IT regulatory law and in the area of anti-money laundering law.

Of course, we have not only considered national, but also applicable European regulation. In addition, we have listed the relevant publications of the EBA and BaFin on regulatory-relevant topics (if you are looking for a refresher on the topic of guidelines and technical standards, please read our article “PSD2 and the EBA – a story full of guidelines and technical standards”).

Just click on the images to access each legal document.

Material legal framework that payment service providers in the area of regulatory law need to know 1



The infographic does not purport to be comprehensive and is limited to such regulations and legal sources which we consider to be of material relevance for the industry and the daily practice of payment service providers. If you are missing something, please contact us!








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