Video | Panel: Impact of the Situation in Ukraine on Bitcoin and Crypto Assets

Video | Impact Ukraine war on Bitcoin & Crypto Assets by Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

Impact of the Ukraine War on Bitcoin & Crypto Assets

On 23 March 2022, the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center has organised a short-term panel with experts from the crypto sector to discuss the impact of the war on Bitcoin & Co. on the occasion of the current situation in Ukraine.


Who is the panel interesting for?

  • Anyone interested in decentralised finance, personal finance and DLT.
  • Thought leaders from the private banking and finance sector
  • Asset and wealth managers who already manage crypto assets in their portfolios or plan to add them to their portfolios
  • Portfolio managers of hedge funds, pension plans and private investment firms
  • Mutual funds, asset managers and private investors with an interest in digital assets
  • Advisors with a focus on capital markets and digitalisation
  • Researchers and academics who want to gain insight into blockchain-based decentralised finance





  • 14:00 – Welcome and introductory words (Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
  • 14:05 – Introduction of the speakers (Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
  • 14:10 – Start of the panel discussion: Traditional finance vs. DeFi and Bitcoin: How do they fit together?
  • 15:00 – End of the online panel




About the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center

The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center (FSBC) is a think tank and research center primarily focusing on the implications of blockchain technology for companies and businesses. In addition to the development of blockchain prototypes, the center offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and thought for decision-makers and startups as well as technology and industry experts. The FSBC sets new research impulses and develops education programs for students and executives. The center concentrates primarily on the areas of banking, energy, mobility, and the manufacturing industry.


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