Important supervisory law sources for payment service providers

wichtige Rechtsquellen für Finanzdienstleister im Aufsichtsrecht | important supervisory law sources for payment service providers | PayTechLaw

Here on PayTechLaw we regularly look at overviews of laws and supervisory documents, e.g. the summaries of the supervisory documents last year or the laws that payment and e-money institutions should be familiar with. The following mini-series aims to provide you with an updated overview about these types of documents. As we now have many, many documents to deal with, we have decided to divide this overview into the following three categories: supervisory law, anti-money laundering law and market regulation. We will be starting with “important supervisory law sources for payment service providers”.

This is where you can find important supervisory law sources for payment service providers

In our infographic (German) we have not only listed what are currently the most important supervisory documents. We have also provided direct links to the relevant legal documents for you in there. This means important supervisory law sources for payment service providers are just a click away.

We have also looked into which European laws are important for payment service providers in Germany. Additionally, we have provided a list of the EBA as well as the BaFin publications for you (and in case you require a refresher regarding guidelines and technical standards, here you go: PSD2 and the EBA – a story full of guidelines and technical standards).

You’ll find important supervisory law sources for payment service providers with just one little click on the picture below:

Infografik: Wichtige Rechtsquellen für Zahlungsdienstleister im Aufsichtsrecht | PayTechLaw

Notes for payment service providers

The infographic only includes those supervisory documents which, in our view and to the best of our knowledge and belief, constitute genuinely important supervisory law sources for payment service providers. But of course, it is always possible to add one or the other document in certain parts. Therefore, if you consider anything to be missing, please get in touch! If you can present good arguments that a missing document should also be included, we will be happy to amend the infographic.


Cover picture: Copyright © fotolia / Elena Krivorotova

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